Privacy Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy
Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation ("The Company") that is engaged in the building of a foundation that supports industry and society, in accordance with its Basic Commitment and Standards of Conduct, engages in business activities that contribute to society, while endeavoring to earn the trust of and meet the expectations of all customers.
The Company protects personal data obtained from its customers in the course of business activities appropriately in accordance with the following Basic Policy, recognizing that personal data is an important asset of each customer.
Basic Policy
- 1.The Company strictly observes the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations.
- 2.The Company strives to maintain and continually improves a personal data protection management system.
- 3.The Company utilizes personal data within the scope of the intended use that is clearly communicated. The Company does not disclose or provide personal data to third parties except when there is an agreement or except when there is a legitimate reason.
- 4.The Company strives to prevent unauthorized access to personal data or the leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and continually enhances and remediates information security management.
- 5.The Company responds to inquiries and complaints concerning personal data or requests for disclosure of personal data sincerely and without delay.
Date of enactment: January 1,2004
Date of revision: June 28, 2022
Purposes of use of personal information
When our company collects personal information from customers , the purposes of use of said personal information shall be clearly stated in advance of any collection, and said personal information shall only be used within the scope of the stated purposes of use.
In the event it becomes necessary to use customer personal information for any purposes exceeding the scope of the stated purposes of use, our company shall first notify the relevant customers of such need and obtain the authorization of said customers before using the personal information for any purposes exceeding the scope of the stated purposes of use.
For more information on the purposes of use of personal information held by our company, please refer to Purposes of Use of Personal Information.
Provision of personal information
- 1.Our company does not disclose or provide the customer personal information to any third parties except in the following circumstances.
- (1)
- When authorized by the customer
- (2)
- In cases based on law
- (3)
- When required for the preservation of human life, wellbeing, or assets, and it is difficult or impossible to obtain customer consent in advance
- (4)
- When handling of personal information is outsourced to an entrusted party within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purposes of use
- (5)
- In the event of succession of business due to mergers, corporate separation, transfer of business, or other reasons
- (1)
- 2.Our company may provide customer addresses, names, telephone numbers, etc. to our company's affiliate companies or distributors with customer consent in advance, when it is deemed necessary and appropriate for the said affiliates, etc. to respond to inquiries, etc. from customers regarding products, repair and services.
Procedures for requests for disclosure, etc.
In regards to customer personal information held by our company, our company shall respond to and comply with 1) requests for disclosure, 2) requests for notification of the purposes of use, 3) requests for revision, 4) requests for additions, 5) requests for deletion, and 6) requests for cessation of use or cessation of provision to third parties. Refer to "for requests for disclosure, etc. " for the request form (document) and other details.
Please note that requests for disclosure, and requests for notification of the purposes of use require payment of a service fee.
In addition, our company implements all reasonable organizational, personnel, physical, and technological security measures to protect against risks of unauthorized access, leaks, loss, or destruction of personal information.
Point of contact for personal information protection related inquiries and complaints
72-34 Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 212-8585
Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation
Personal Information Protection Management and Promotion Supervisors
Email address: tpsc-ko
Customers under 16 years of age
Customers under 16 years of age should only provide personal information with the consent of their legal guardians.
Our company's website
- 1.This "Personal Information Protection Policy" applies to the handling of personal information by Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation. This does not apply to our company's domestic affiliate companies or overseas subsidiaries.
- 2.Please note that some of the services provided by our company (including website services operated by our company) may not be available for use unless required personal information is provided by customers.
- 3.Cookies may be used on our company's websites in order to provide better service.
- 4.Our company accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for ensuring the security of customer personal information on any websites which are linked to our company's websites but which are operated by other companies.
The Personal Information Protection Policy may be revised by our company in order to provide better protection of customer personal information or in accordance with any changes made to applicable laws and regulations.
Revised on: July 22, 2024