ESG Performance

In addition to business activities, Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation is committed to engaging in social contribution activities to resolve various social issues and help realize a sustainable society.

Activity Concepts

  1. We strive to contribute to society in accordance with the Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group and the Toshiba Group Standards of Conduct.
  2. As a company supporting social infrastructure, we contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of the countries and regions where we operate.
  3. We support employees’ voluntary activities.

Assistance for activities to improve social infrastructure

Support for the infrastructure projects in emerging countries

As a company that underpin power generation, industry, and social infrastructure, we have helped upgrade inadequate infrastructure since FY2014 in emerging countries where we have deep business ties, and offer assistance to contribute to the development of local communities.

Key projects supported

Key projects supported
Year Assistance project/Description Country
2021 We built wells and toilets for
two schools to improve the
water andsanitation environment
of the residents of Islampur.
2020 We extended emergency aid to
save the lives of children who were
vulnerable in the face of the COVID-19
Various countries
2019 We built irrigation facilities to help
increase crop yields in arid areas.*1
2018 We installed a drinking water supply
system to supply safe water to four
elementary schools and local
residents in Kandal Province, Cambodia*1
2017 We installed drinking water supply
system equipment (water storage
tanks, water supply pumps, drinking
water filters, etc.) in order to supply safe
water to elementary schools in four towns
in Kingdom of Thailand, Sa Kaeo Province,
Ta Praya District.*1
  1. Funding through the Nonprofit Organization World Vision Japan
  2. Facility installation and donation through Lions Club Tokyo Akasaka
Children drinking clean water(Thailand)

Children drinking clean water(Thailand)
(Courtesy: World Vision Japan)

Drinking water supply system project (Cambodia)

Drinking water supply system project (Cambodia)
(Courtesy: World Vision Japan)

Irrigation facility project(Fikkal, Nepal)

Irrigation facility project(Fikkal, Nepal)
(Courtesy: World Vision Japan)

Emergency aid during the COVID-19 pandemic

Emergency aid during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Courtesy: World Vision Japan)

Assistance for Activities to Develop Future Generations

Support for the construction of schools and other educational facilities in emerging countries

Since FY2010, we have been providing assistance*1 for the construction of school buildings, dormitories and other structures for elementary and junior high schools, as well as pre-schools, so that children in emerging countries can have opportunities to learn.

Key projects supported

Key projects supported
Year Assistance project Country
2022 To improve sanitation in Doan Ket
Commune, we installed water filtering
systems and built toilets at local
kindergartens, elementary schools,
and junior high schools.
2021 We supported the construction of water
and sanitation facilities at nursery and
elementary schools in Ðoàn Kết Commune
to provide clean drinking water.
2020 We built toilets and other sanitation
facilities at three schools in Rajshahi
to improve their educational and sanitary
2018 Assistance in construction and repair of
lavatories at the SAKURA CAMBODIA-JAPAN
2017 Currently constructing the Ledang Primary
School Current school buildings primarily
made of bamboo wood are easily damaged
by wind and rain, and are not very durable.
By constructing strong brick or cement
school buildings, we provide a safe and
secure learning environment for children.
  1. Assistance: Funding through the Nonprofit Organization World Vision Japan
  2. Financial assistance through Japan Team of Young Human Power (JHP)
Redang Elementary School(Indonesia)

Redang Elementary School(Indonesia)

Sanitary water facility project in Doan Ket Commune(Vietnam)

Sanitary water facility project in Doan Ket Commune(Vietnam)
(Courtesy: World Vision Japan)

Employees’ Volunteer Fund

The Employees’ Volunteer Fund of Toshiba Plant Systems & Services is a donation fund that collects voluntary contributions from employees' monthly salaries and bonuses. It is operated as a matching gift scheme, with the company donating an additional amount of money in proportion to the funds collected from the participating employees.
The Employees’ Volunteer Fund donates money to projects and organizations related to: 1) the promotion of science, technology, and culture, 2) environmental protection, 3) support for the development of the next generation, and 4) social welfare activities.

Major contributions

Yokohama Arts Foundation

Yokohama Arts Foundation
Children’s Workshop at the Yokohama Museum of Art (This photograph was taken before 2019.)

Kanagawa Reforestation Partner System

Kanagawa Reforestation Partner System

Special Olympics Nippon Foundation

Special Olympics Nippon Foundation
(Online marathon event in 2020 to connect people across the nation)

Promotion of Activities Rooted in Local Communities

Our business offices and worksites engage in activities to contribute to local communities. Going forward, as a good corporate citizen we will continue to actively engage in social contribution activities.

Volunteer clean-up events

Volunteer clean-up events
We pick up trash, cigarette butts and other items discarded near business offices and worksites.

Forest maintenance

Forest maintenance
We participate in events to maintain forests, including thinning operation.

Collection of PET bottle caps

Collection of PET bottle caps
We participate in events to provide vaccines to children around the world by donating collected PET bottle caps.

Commemorative backpack gift

Commemorative backpack gift
We participate in events to collect used backpacks and send them to children overseas.